Escape the online Grinch that is algorithm based social media. Sign up to Vivaldi Social!
You might be thinking, what’s a fediverse? Fediverse is an open network of communities committed to a better way of communicating online and allowing for constant improvements. Vivaldi Social is a fediverse instance powered by Mastodon. It’s similar to other well known social networks, but there’s no singular owner, no surveillance capitalism and no tracking or profiling of users. You can read more about it on the Vivaldi Blog.
To join Vivaldi social:
- Go to https://social.vivaldi.net.
- Log in with your Vivaldi account.
- Start browsing, posting and interacting with everyone.
Your username on Vivaldi Social will be generated from your Vivaldi account’s username like this – @[email protected]. To learn more about how to use Vivaldi Social, check out the articles on Vivaldi Help.